Meaning Maker-I have inproved on this because i have been making more sense of things and i can now understand more things than i use to.
Active listner- I think that i have improved in this area because i am listning to more peoples ideas and i am also i am listning to the teachers instructions and i can get things done quicker.
Self motivated- I think i have improved in this area because i can drive myself to do thing and i can do them with out needing other people to tell me to do them and i can use fun things to motivated me.
Math- I think that i have improved in this area because i am alot better at my times tables and i have learnt alot of different skill as well.
Respectful- I think i have improved in this area because i am Respecting the people around me more and i am also Respect my teachers alot better now
P.E- i really think that i have inproved in my PE skills because i am now a much better runner i am alot better at all athletics things.
Creator- I think that i have improved in this area because i can now think about things and the create somthing better and i can now make sure that it is quality.
Flexible- I think i have improved in this area because i will not get angry if something dose not go as i planed it or if it was not meant to happen the way it did.
Goal setter- I think i am a good goal setter because i will set goal that i can achieve and are not out of reach and are not to hard to achieve.
*Technology- Technology would have to be one of the things i have most inproved on with things like first class, blogger, word, excel and inspiration and heaps more like how to make pie charts and graph how to put photos into blogger as well.