Monday, July 23, 2007

My letter

I think that my letter shows that I am getting better at asking usefull qustions. But I think a next step for me is to take more time with my brain storm.

168 Clyde Rd
New Zealand

Dear Paul Jennings,

Hi I’m Kate Hyde
I’m from Fendalton Open-air primary school Christchurch New Zealand.
I love your story The Buske in your book Unbelievable.
I have read so many of your books but this is just the best ever 10/10. It was really sad but very surprising and I think it would have taken a lot of thought for your awsome ending when really the man that thaked to th boy was really The Busker, very inventived.

I’ve got a few questions for you if that in alright.
First how did you come up with the idea for your great story The Busker?
Another thing that I was wondering was are you any thing like any people in the story?
So over all I think that your story was the best thing I’ve ever read dramatic, sad, fun to read and heaps more.

Yours Faithfully Kate


H2o an element of life
Smooth flowing liquid
Oozing out of our drink bottles

Rolling twisting curling waves
Reaching out to wind us in
Wrapping us into the deep

Water course stretching, drifting
Bumpy rapid chewing us up
Flapping over top of our heads

By Kate

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Feedback - blog

Great start to your portfolio K8!

Please make sure your spelling is correct as this is an exhibit of your BEST work! Check the spelling in the description of the blog. It's great to see the amount of content already on the blog!
Rob ;-)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Term 2 Goals-Housework

My personal goal is to do more jobs around the house. I’m doing this goal because I think I need to pull my weight around the house. This goal will go on for the whole term.
I will achieve this goal by unloading the dishwasher more as well as cleaning my room more. I will tidy my room once a week and unload the dishwasher every morning.
I will know I have achieved this when I am helping around that house more.
Evatuate: I don’t think I have achieved this because I stiil think i need to pull my wait more

Term 2 Goals-Eating meals

My personal goal is to eat all of my meals at the dinner table. I’m doing this because I usually go up to my room to eat dinner and watch T.V. This goal is going to go on for the whole term.
I will achieve this by having to eat 6 meals at the dinner table a week. I will put a sign on my door that will say, “Go back downstairs!”
I will know I have achieved this when I have know more about what my family have been doing and what sort of day they have had at school or work.
Evaluate: I do th8ink that I achieved this goal goal because I have had pretty much all of my meals at the dinner table.

Term 2 Goals-Computers

Another goal for term two is to do more things on the computers, like go on first class at home as well as blogger. I’m doing this goal because I don’t use the computer at home, I only go on it at school.
To achieve this goal I will write in my blog 2x a week.
(I could check my blog at the end of the term to see if I did write in it this often).
Eevaluate: I think that I did achieve this because I have been going on it at home and I have got a lot more things in it than I use to.

Term 2 Goals-Interact with people

My goal for term two is to interact with more people in the class.
I’m doing this goal because I want to get to know more people. This goal will last for the whole term.
To do this I could: work with people that I don’t usually work with ehn asked to get into a group, sit with different people at lunchtime, invite new people to my house or put my desk near people I haven’t sat next to.
I know I will achieved this when I have made more friends and know more people in the class.
Evaluate: I think that I half achieved this because I did make more friends and I sat with differen people nut I did not invite different people to my house.

Term1 goal-Puzzle

3.My goal for term 1 is to spend more on hard puzzle.
I am doing this goal because when I don’t get something I will give up.
This goal will go on for the whole term.
I will achieve this goal by spending at least 10 minutes before I give up on it.
I completely forgot about this goal so I did not achieve this

Term1 goal-Friends

2.My goal for term 1 is to interact with more people in the class.
I am doing this goal because I want to find more friends.
This goal will go on for the whole term.
I will achieve this goal by making a check list a tick it off when I have played with them.
I think that I half achieved this because I forgot to make the check list but I did make more friends.

Term 1 goal-Reading

1. My goal is to read more in my own time.
I’m doing this goal because I only read when I have to.
This goal will go on for the whole term.
I will achieve this goal bye setting asise about 15-20 minuets each night
I will know I have achieved this goal when I am a better at reading because of the extra work I put in each night.
I think i achieve this goal because I have been reading a lot more not just in class.